
“An SAA group consists of two or more individuals who, using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of SAA, meet regularly for the purpose of recovering from their addictive sexual behavior.” — Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 10

Types of Support Meetings
Many types of meetings have been developed by SAA group members to meet the needs of the addict who still suffers. Some of these meetings are the following:

Men only, Women only, or Mixed Meetings: Most SAA meetings are mixed meetings, meaning that the meetings are open to all individuals, regardless of gender, who are interested in recovering from addictive sexual behavior. Some meetings decide to segregate themselves by gender in order to make the meeting a safe place for their attendees to recover from their addictive sexual behavior. Because of the nature of this addiction, some members only feel safe attending single gender meetings. We respect this need.

Closed versus Open Meetings: Closed Meetings are open only to those individuals who have a desire to stop their addictive sexual behavior. Open Meetings are open to anyone interested in finding out about SAA; those who attend need not have admitted that their sexual behavior is a problem.

Tele-meeting: A meeting for those in recovery from sexual addiction that is held via a telephone conference call.  A list of tele-meetings is available at

Online (Web) Meeting: An online meeting is held in real time over an Internet connection.